Alta definizione HD

The high definition accentuates the depth of the image, creates a space, invites to live in it. It is a way to create time. A way to simulate life.

Perhaps it is the difficulty of “seeing” ourselves in the future and perceiving a global significance from it, that leads us to try to inhabit a space which is typical of imagination.

We feel alive when we have a perspective, a progression, not only because we perceive time as the measure of change – although the new discoveries in physics project us well beyond – but because we link movement, variation and progression to perceiving ourselves, to existing.

It is as if defining reality would make it more real, dare I say it less deadly, more persistent; impress it in our self, preventing it from escaping.Noi viviamo là dove vi è prospettiva, progressione, non solo perché percepiamo il tempo come la misura del cambiamento, benché le nuove scoperte della fisica ci mandi molto oltre, ma perché leghiamo il movimento, la variazione e la progressione al percepirci e dunque all’esistere.